What does syd do?
Southern Youth Development is a youth development trust working with rangatahi towards their success. We take a holistic approach, facilitating experiences that connect them to themselves, their peers/whānau, and their communities giving them the confidence to contribute positively in a way they choose. We view rangatahi and their success as crucial to the well-being of our communities.
Southern Youth Development’s experienced kaimahi work with rangatahi aged 12-24, who have disconnected with their education pathway, employment, their whānau and/or their community. Our goal is to empower rangatahi to take on their next goals in life and become valued members of their communities.

We support every rangatahi that we work with, helping them to create a pathway that works for them to support themselves to take on life's challenges and setting their own goals for personal success.
Our mahi is youth-led and we have a range of programmes and services that rangatahi can engage with to progress successfully in their journey to adulthood and into the community.
Our Values
- Collaboration, Innovation and Enterprise
- Adding value to the communities of Otago
- Responsive, respectful and fun service delivery
- Ethical and Inclusive practice
Our Purpose
- To work with youth in Otago to develop their full potential
- To facilitate opportunities that assist youth to transition to meaningful and balanced lives
- To support and develop best practice in our communities
- To co-operate and collaborate with others as appropriate to advance these aims
- To take any other actions necessary to further these objectives
Our responsive, engaging and encouraging approach sees 80% of the young people we work with go back to school, go on to employment or enrol in further training or education. We are also active in the wider community sector, with a proud history of collaboration, contribution and mentoring of other charitable enterprises.
We currently work with Dunedin and Clutha area schools, training providers, tertiary institutions, workplaces and communities with a focus on effective youth development principles. Our funding is sourced from Central Government, initiatives with local government and the business sector, social enterprise, fundraising, charitable grants and donations.