Exciting Bicycle Opportunity for Young People

Posted Monday June 26, 2023

Next term, our Bikes@syd has some spaces available for our Tuesday afternoon workshop sessions. The Tuesday early afternoon sessions targets 12-18 year olds and the Tuesday late afternoon sessions targets 18-24.The focus points for the younger group is on both hard and soft skill building, mentoring, safe tool use and workshop etiquette.The focus for the older group (who are primarily tertiary students) includes the above elements, but also promotes pro-social work in the community, and focuses on transport autonomy to promote cycling as a mode of transport for people within the age group.This programme is part of the wider community’s efforts to reduce waste by lessening the impact on the environment as the bicycles are either revitalised or recycled into scrap metal.Get in touch with us for more info - email bikes@syd.org.nz or head to our website for more information.A big thank you to the Dunedin City Council Waste Minimisation team for all their support to enable this programme to happen!
