Posted Tuesday September 12, 2017

The Malcam Charitable Trust knows that many families are struggling and more schools are reporting to us that they have youth attending on empty bellies and coming so early that classes are still locked.

For that reason starting on the 16th October and running  from Monday to Thursday (7am to 8.30) is Malcam's Breakfast Club. This is a free cereal, toast and fruit initiative for young people aged 12 to 18 and is aimed at high school students who often dont get a chance to eat before school for whatever reason.

We are looking for sponsors to assist us with the cost of feeding these young people and we want Breakfast Club to be fun so we are running a attend 9 times and cook your 10th breakfast loyalty card system.

This is a small act of kindness and we invite support from our networks. We are particularly keen to raise funds to buy a new and large van to transport young people for breakfast club - a wish list item.

If you want more information or can show support in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
