Getting Young People into Sport

Posted Monday July 24, 2023

"A big warm deep "Thank you so much" for making this dream evening possible! Both in Iran and Afghanistan entering to a stadium and watching football is forbidden for women! Let alone women playing sport in front of mixed audience. For both me and two sisters, it was our very first time to enter a stadium and watching a real football match. Sitting beside each other, it was not on TV, we were there! Sweet freedom and we are so grateful of NZ! Thankful of you and your wonderful team for your amazing job."

"Students from Queen's High School were fortunate enough to be invited by Southern Youth Development to attend the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ game; New Zealand versus Switzerland. Unfortunately, the incredible atmosphere and a crowd of nearly 26,000 wasn’t enough for New Zealand to be victorious and progress to the final round of 16 teams. The team put in a gallant effort and displayed some amazing skills, but could not find the goal they needed. Thank you for the opportunity Southern Youth Development!"

Southern Youth Development was gifted opportunities to get young people, especially women, involved in FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™, including going to the games. During the games in Ōtepoti Dunedin, young women and men from Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, China, India, Indonesia and New Zealand all went to their first ever live football match. This was all made possible thanks to the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™ and the Ministry of Youth Development in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

We also want to extend our thanks for New Zealand Red Cross, the Otago Southland Chinese Association and the Ministry for Ethnic Communities for their support in giving rakatahi opportunities to attend the games. 
