Toss the Boss for 2024 is on!
Posted Wednesday December 6, 2023
Next year we're back with our annual fundraiser, Toss the Boss, and we'll be looking for community leaders who are willing to raise funds in their community for the opportunity to abseil from Forsyth Barr Stadium. It's an opportunity of a lifetime and a great way to ensure young people in Otago get the support they need.
Send us an email to if you're keen to know more!
#dunedin #clutharakatahi #workingtogether #CommunityEngagement #connectingcommunities #rangatahi #supportingthecommunity #sẏd #rakataki #cluthayouth #dunedinyouth #youthsupport #southernyouthdevelopment #clutha #southernyouth #YouthEmpowerment #southernfundraising #fundraising #syd #donatetosyd #annualfundraiser #tosstheboss2024