Our August News

Posted Thursday August 24, 2023

This last month has been all go. With special funding from the FIFA Womens World Cup 2023 and the Ministry of Youth Development, Southern Youth Development has been hard at work creating new leadership opportunities for rakatahi to get involved in activity - not just football! This has been a once in a lifetime opportunity for rakatahi to really get the most out of activities that create connection and leadership and take the next steps forward into following their passions. 

We've also had a few comings and goings of our tīma, with Alex from our bikes@syd programme on his way to new employment, and new staff starting to support our mahi. 

We're also gearing up for three community fundraising events. We're a lucky recipient of the Z Good in the Hood this year, plus the Calder Stewart Coastal Classic. There's more information about these events, and how to get involved, in this newsletter. The third is a surprise coming up - so keep an eye out for more information - it's going to be big!

Please do share this newsletter with your network as well. The more we share the great stuff happening in the community, the more connected we are. Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini. 
