Goodbye for now!

Posted Monday June 26, 2023

Over 85% of our trainees head onto permanent roles as a successful transition as a result of the soft skills that they have picked up during their time supporting the Gardens team at the Dunedin Botanic Garden. Skill development, work experience and - most importantly - sense of self and connection to the whenua are the key outcomes for our trainees, as well as completing critical work at one of Dunedin's most beautiful attractions.

This term, we said goodbye to Becca (pictured with Gardens Supervisor, James Blok) and Charlie. We're so pleased to hear that Becca has moved on to an apprenticeship with the Botanic Gardens themselves, so we will still be seeing plenty of her. Well done, Becca!

A big thank you to the Dunedin City Council for their support in keeping this programme running. For more on our Gardens@syd programme, head to our website here:
