Hive Dunedin

Young people are the future
Hive Dunedin is a youth space for those aged 12 -18 offering a range of after school activities in mainly the technology and arts areas.
Hive Dunedin has 2 main functions:
- To provide a community of people, industries, educators, and technologists enriching experiences by linking together to support, champion and grow together as a city with a creative focus
- To provide a base which offers opportunities for wide range of people to come and participate in a creative and enriching environment
We share a passion for empowering people to engage with learning across a range of activities and platforms.
We champion:
- Designing and working in open and participatory ways
- Applying "open source thinking" to social and educational innovation
- “Connected Learning” as a set of principles and a broad theory of change
- Iterative design, agility and continuous testing
We work to empower learners as co-designers and makers while creating shareable educational products
We place the learner at the heart of all our activities, what would you like to learn today?
Get in touch