Rakatahi Opportunities - Impact Programme

Impact programme designed by rangatahi for rangatahi.

The Impact programme is an alternative education (AE) programme for rangatahi under the age of 16. Rangatahi learn how to cook/bake, clean, garden, communicate their needs, and other relevant social skills that are helpful for their future and their whānau. They are empowered to take on new challenges independently with youth workers there as scaffolding. They learn responsibility and resilience through trialing activities. They find their strengths within the activities and develop those strengths more. Rangatahi lead other ākonga through activities of their strengths giving them an opportunity to show leadership and support for their peers.

Kaimahi will walk alongside Ākonga per school term and will support rangatahi to find a pathway onto their next steps whether it is into employment, back into mainstream education or further study.

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